contrasting / verb kənˈtræst, ˈkɒn træst; noun ˈkɒn træst /


contrasting3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of: Contrast the political rights of Romans and Greeks.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to exhibit unlikeness on comparison with something else; form a contrast.
  2. Linguistics. to differ in a way that can serve to distinguish meanings: The sounds and contrast in the words “pin” and “bin.”
n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted.
  2. a striking exhibition of unlikeness.
  3. a person or thing that is strikingly unlike in comparison: The weather down here is a welcome contrast to what we're having back home.

contrasting 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


contrasting 的近义词 4


  1. DoorDash and Airbnb, by contrast, became dominant in their sectors by focusing on places where there was little if any competition.
  2. By contrast, “Nation to Nation” a text-heavy show that you might have felt rushed to take in before, has plenty of ideas and information to fill an entire visit.
  3. The encouraging report arrived in sharp contrast to bleak news about the pandemic.
  4. By contrast, Democrats will control the redistricting of, at most, 73 seats, or 17 percent.
  5. In contrast, by monkeying with LWCF budgets, Bernhardt is threatening thousands of good-paying jobs in the outdoor recreation industry right now, in the middle of the worst economic recession in living memory.
  6. A scarf and bag in contrasting shades and patterns enhanced this busy, but feminine, look.
  7. At best, contrasting the campaign to the government was akin to “comparing apples and oranges.”
  8. The show centers on two detectives with contrasting world views who must clean up the streets of Battle Creek, Mich.
  9. Such an interesting social commentary— contrasting the hippie Jagger and the buttoned-up gangster.
  10. Those sharp political differences lead to contrasting parenting styles.
  11. ThusPg 175 again we had the opportunity of contrasting the motor car and the railway train.
  12. He could not help contrasting the difference between his environments here and those in Orangeville.
  13. The pedestal 219 is good, and worthy of a more convincing statue of this man of strong character and of contrasting qualities.
  14. He is contrasting the feebleness and fickleness of the multitude with the strength and stability of John.
  15. Besides the tap-room crowded with men there was a parlor in which women of fashion walked about, contrasting with the place.