continuance / kənˈtɪn yu əns /


continuance 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an act or instance of continuing; continuation: a continuance of war.
  2. a remaining in the same place, condition, etc.
  3. continuation.
  4. Law. adjournment of a step in a proceeding to a future day.

continuance 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. It’s because in order to convey nuance and layered depth – and for the sake of the continuance of the concept – you need paragraphs that are longer than one sentence.
  2. The fact is that to respond ‘proportionally’ in warfare is merely to ensure the continuance of the conflict.
  3. He granted her continuance at home, till the year of her noviciate; but that year must come, and it will commence next January.
  4. Chemotaxis alone will not explain the continuance of leukocytosis for more than a short time.
  5. Indeed the grand end of the Church's continuance in the world, is aspired at by the efforts of all her true members.
  6. But this did not prevent the continuance of hostilities in Brazil, and the other foreign possessions of Portugal.
  7. Better that were changed, by the removal of the evil, than to remain imperfect because of the continuance thereof.