congeniality / kənˌdʒi niˈæl ɪ ti /


congeniality 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the quality of being agreeable, suitable, or pleasant: The guest rooms combine the very latest in technology with the best facilities, comfort, and congeniality.
  2. the quality of being well-matched or agreeable to each other; compatibility: In later years, the two men’s friendship was cemented by their intellectual and religious congeniality.

congeniality 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. The man who holds ABC/ESPN's wacky goulash of World Cup punditry together strikes viewers as a paragon of congeniality.
  2. Unlike Miss Congeniality and its sequel, in which Bullock plays an FBI agent, this is definitely not a romantic comedy.
  3. Not only did Palin show off her skills as a flutist as well, but she was awarded the title of Miss Congeniality.
  4. Known for his easy-going California attitude, he is respected for his creativity, work ethic, and congeniality.
  5. Quite a few years had passed since Bullock was pulling in big box office with Miss Congeniality and Two Weeks Notice.
  6. Jacinth on her side was conscious of a good deal of congeniality between herself and her aunt.
  7. Without congeniality there cannot be much influence, at least not in the case of so exclusive and fastidious a nature as Chopin's.
  8. With regard to Bellini, Chopin's sympathy was strengthened by the congeniality of their individual temperaments.
  9. Society is split into strata made up largely through community of interest, and congeniality of ideas and thoughts.
  10. Nothing wears better than good sense, and nothing is more essential to permanent congeniality and usefulness.