colonizing / ˈkɒl əˌnaɪz /


colonizing2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

col·o·nized, col·o·niz·ing.

  1. to establish a colony in; settle: England colonized Australia.
  2. to form a colony of: to colonize laborers in a mining region.
v. 无主动词 verb

col·o·nized, col·o·niz·ing.

  1. to form a colony: They went out to Australia to colonize.
  2. to settle in a colony.

colonizing 近义词

v. 动词 verb


colonizing 的近义词 7
colonizing 的反义词 1


  1. What home canning entails, in the most rudimentary of explanations, is the use of heat to create enough pressure to seal your canning jars and prevent bacteria from colonizing its contents.
  2. These tools open up new markets and new ways to extract resources, but what the innovator sees as progress often brings unwanted change to communities colonized by imported technologies and their makers’ ambitions.
  3. As inconceivable as it still sounds, the wheels have been set in motion for humans to one day reach and colonize Mars.
  4. Humanity’s attempt to colonize the moon will give us a good sense of the challenges we might face on Mars.
  5. Developed countries must also boost financial support for the developing world, where billions of people in formerly-colonized countries bear the disproportionate impacts from climate-related disasters.
  6. “We are not saying we need to colonize the moon or anything crazy like that,” he added.
  7. But executives have a lot to do with the larger agenda to emasculate and colonize.
  8. Coastal construction gives them more places for their polyp stages to colonize.
  9. The situation will remain the same: Israel will continue to illegally colonize just as it has for decades.
  10. Her ancestors were Englishmen long ago, who upon the very British idea of colonialism left to colonize the Barbados.
  11. There were over a thousand people in this expedition that was going out to colonize Oregon for the United States.
  12. She cannot be assailed with success at home, and she has no need to leave her own territories in search of lands to colonize.
  13. Theyll have their atomic war pretty soon, and leave us a nice high-radiation planet to colonize.
  14. The border is an excellent place in which to colonize native or other interesting plants.
  15. The next expedition seems to have been a project to colonize the country.