colony / ˈkɒl ə ni /


colony 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural col·o·nies.

  1. a group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation.
  2. the country or district settled or colonized: Many Western nations are former European colonies.
  3. any people or territory separated from but subject to a ruling power.
  4. the Colonies, those British colonies that formed the original 13 states of the United States: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
  5. a number of people coming from the same country, or speaking the same language, residing in a foreign country or city, or a particular section of it; enclave: the Polish colony in Israel;the American colony in Paris.
  6. any group of individuals having similar interests, occupations, etc., usually living in a particular locality; community: a colony of artists.
  7. the district, quarter, or dwellings inhabited by any such number or group: The Greek island is now an artists' colony.
  8. an aggregation of bacteria growing together as the descendants of a single cell.
  9. Ecology. a group of organisms of the same kind living or growing in close association.

colony 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. They believe it could explain how mole-rat colonies are able to organize and sustain themselves.
  2. So, queens may somehow control the “voice” with which her colony speaks.
  3. She saw my rigor in writing all my methods down, detailing which colonies had been picked, each with individual genetic signatures—and each one needing to be cultured, PCR’d, and genotyped.
  4. This tribute forced five Canarian families to be relocated to the American colonies in exchange for every ton of goods those colonies shipped back to Spain.
  5. He’d parked his colonies on a farm three hours north of San Francisco in January.
  6. Krivov was sentenced to serve four years at a general regime penal colony for his fight for freedom and human rights.
  7. Historically, the Puritans banned Christmas from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1659.
  8. He was born in the country, which was a British colony called Northern Rhodesia at the time, but his parents were not.
  9. I still think of America,” she once told an interviewer, “as a colony of Europe.
  10. And by the way, if we really are just a colony of Europe, where did the rock and roll she professed to love so much come from?
  11. The Majesty on high has a colony and a people on earth, which otherwise is under the supremacy of the Evil One.
  12. Hamo in alluding to the early cultivation of tobacco by the colony, says, that John Rolfe was the pioneer tobacco planter.
  13. This was in 1616, when the colony numbered only three hundred and fifty-one persons.
  14. Soon after that, I wrote you in regard to the condition in which we found this infant Church and Colony.
  15. William Penn, published in England his frame of government for the colony of Pennsylvania.