clustering / ˈklʌs tər /


clustering3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a number of things of the same kind, growing or held together; a bunch: a cluster of grapes.
  2. a group of things or persons close together: There was a cluster of tourists at the gate.
  3. U.S. Army. a small metal design placed on a ribbon representing an awarded medal to indicate that the same medal has been awarded again: oak-leaf cluster.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to gather into a cluster or clusters.
  2. to furnish or cover with clusters.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to form a cluster or clusters: The people clustered around to watch.

clustering 近义词

v. 动词 verb

assemble, group


  1. You should sort them out in clusters as part of your on-page strategy.
  2. The first problem is the primary reason the company started, which was to manage service meshes, and Gloo Mesh, which is based on the open-source Istio service mesh, helps developers manage their service mesh clusters.
  3. The dopamine you receive from finding a cluster of chanterelle mushrooms in the damp woods is immense, somehow both frivolous and survivalist.
  4. Many earlier coronavirus clusters were linked to nursing homes and crowded nightclubs.
  5. The opposition has latched on to evidence that the most recent case of the mutant variant of Covid-19 — called cluster 5 — was identified as far back as September.
  6. Its subtitle: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart.
  7. In a place like Colorado, the clustering has been reinforced by the immigration of lots of college-educated hipsters to the state.
  8. [S]egregation by color is largely independent of that natural clustering by social grades common to all communities.
  9. Two hair-pins, which she drew from her own clustering ringlets, she drove into a shelf for pegs to hang her clothes upon.
  10. The brain beneath the white brow and fair, clustering curls was a very clear and lucid one.
  11. Clustering in her girdle, and arranged within her room, they brought summer to the old gray house.
  12. If they wish to join in the prayers and the ceremonies of the altar, let them have the clustering pillars and the purple windows.
  13. A thorn had torn her arm until it was covered with blood, and the gnats and mosquitoes were clustering around it.