choky / ˈtʃoʊ ki /


choky 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

chok·i·er, chok·i·est.

  1. tending to choke: a choky collar.

choky 近义词


等同于 close


  1. A subdued, choky roar, or growl, was borne down the front stairway from above.
  2. It's dreadful choky, sitting by the hour and filling up that poor innocent with lies.
  3. Twice Christopher read the letter, his eyes wide, and his throat a bit choky with emotion.
  4. With rather a choky feeling he closed the door and went tiptoeing upstairs.
  5. I think "Auld Lang Syne" produced a choky feeling in the throats of most of us—so many are gone for ever.