childbed / ˈtʃaɪldˌbɛd /


childbed 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the circumstance or situation of a woman giving birth to a child; parturition: to lie in childbed.

childbed 近义词


等同于 accouchement


等同于 childbirth


  1. His lady shortly after dying in childbed, to his credit he was re-chosen a fellow of the college before mentioned.
  2. Pillows, which had before been despised by the farmer and the trader as fit only "for women in childbed," were now in general use.
  3. This is often observed in childbed, and sometimes even comes on during labor.
  4. Close by, a Kaffir was digging a grave for a Zulu woman who had died in childbed.
  5. Died in childbed a year later, me being at that time on my first voyage.