chiaroscuro / kiˌɑr əˈskyʊər oʊ /


chiaroscuro 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural chi·a·ro·scu·ros.

  1. the distribution of light and shade in a picture.
  2. Painting. the use of deep variations in and subtle gradations of light and shade, especially to enhance the delineation of character and for general dramatic effect: Rembrandt is a master of chiaroscuro.
  3. a woodcut print in which the colors are produced by the use of different blocks with different colors.
  4. a sketch in light and shade.

chiaroscuro 近义词


等同于 shady


  1. This chiaroscuro portrait, intended only to sell underwear, comes alarmingly close to capturing the man.
  2. They all deal with questions of technique, on effects of light and shadow, on the mystery of chiaroscuro.
  3. His colouring is of an amazing softness, depth, and strength; his chiaroscuro is warm and vaporous.
  4. But none of this character is assisted by the colouring, or the chiaroscuro.
  5. And in the Flemish school, Rubens and Vandyke made their designs for the most part either in colours or in chiaroscuro.
  6. In the decoration of this Correggio surpassed himself in his mastery of chiaroscuro and the foreshortening of the human figure.