chartreuse / ʃɑrˈtruz, -ˈtrus; French ʃarˈtrœz /


chartreuse2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an aromatic liqueur, usually yellow or green, made by the Carthusian monks at Grenoble, France, and, at one time, at Tarragona, Spain.
  2. a clear, light green with a yellowish tinge.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of the color chartreuse.

chartreuse 近义词


等同于 green


  1. After Chartreuse opened for takeout in November, Luis returned to work as a delivery driver, a job he feels is safe, and still supplements his income at the catering company.
  2. Luis, who prefers not to use his last name, has asthma and was a server at Chartreuse in Detroit when the pandemic hit.
  3. A genius idea, but it is important to note that Yellow Chartreuse is better in the flambé, paired with Green to drink alongside!
  4. One of them (the dog, not owner) was two-tone, with a chartreuse mane and red ears.
  5. But green Chartreuse unhappily is not innocent; it is more than a spirit, it is a powerful drug.
  6. The Bishop went forth to give him battle on the slopes of the Chartreuse, on the right bank of the river opposite the town.
  7. "Coffee and chartreuse," he said to the waiter, when we had finished.
  8. Chartreuse is the unsolved enigma of French compounders of liqueurs.
  9. Everything about the Chartreuse was original, not only the dancers and the dances but the orchestra, the music, and the manager.