cartouche / kɑrˈtuʃ /


cartouche 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Architecture. a rounded, convex surface, usually surrounded with carved ornamental scrollwork, for receiving a painted or low-relief decoration, as an escutcheon.
  2. an oval or oblong figure, as on ancient Egyptian monuments, enclosing characters that represent the name of a sovereign.
  3. the case containing the inflammable materials in certain fireworks.
  4. cartridge.
  5. a box for cartridges.

cartouche 近义词


等同于 roll


  1. Among later victims was the famous Cartouche, of whom Thackeray wrote so entertainingly.
  2. So when the keeper made young Dumas a present of Pyramus, he thought he had better bestow Cartouche on him as well.
  3. It was lying with his cartouche-box right away by the stunted oak, as he mentally called the cork-tree.
  4. Then, as he saw Punch busily taking possession of musket and cartouche-belt, he followed his example.
  5. The only new hieroglyph is the pylon, rendered An in the cartouche.