calcaneum / kælˈkeɪ ni əm /


calcaneum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cal·ca·ne·a [kal-key-nee-uh]. /kælˈkeɪ ni ə/.


  1. A portion of the body of the calcaneum was protruding through the perforated skin.
  2. The calcaneum in Crocodiles is drawn out into a long process forming a heel in a manner almost unique among Sauropsida.
  3. In the proximal row of tarsal elements there are only two bones, the calcaneum and astragalus.
  4. The calcaneum articulates with the lower end of the fibula when that bone is fully developed.
  5. Of these the calcaneum is the fibulare, and the astragalus is generally regarded as the tibiale and intermedium fused.