calcaneus / kælˈkeɪ ni əs /


calcaneus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cal·ca·ne·i [kal-key-nee-ahy]. /kælˈkeɪ niˌaɪ/.

  1. Anatomy. the largest tarsal bone, forming the prominence of the heel.
  2. Zoology. the corresponding bone in other vertebrates.


  1. Nam hic est ille unicus calcaneus seminis antiquo serpenti adversantis.
  2. In talipes calcaneus the toes are pointed upwards and the foot rests on the heel.
  3. The tendo-calcaneus is detached from the calcaneus, the bursa dissected out, and the tendon replaced.
  4. It is most frequently met with as an addition to pes equinus or pes calcaneus of paralytic origin, and has already been described.
  5. The deformity presents a combination of the hollow foot—pes cavus—with pes calcaneus, and resembles that of a Chinese lady's foot.