breeching / ˈbrɪtʃ ɪŋ, ˈbri tʃɪŋ /


breeching 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the part of a harness that passes around the haunches of a horse.
  2. a smoke pipe connecting one or more boilers with a chimney.
  3. Navy. a strong rope fastened to a ship's side for securing a gun or checking its recoil.

breeching 近义词


等同于 clothe


  1. We had made shoulder straps, hip straps, breast straps and breeching as the correct idea for a harness.
  2. In the patent breeching, the screws do not interfere with the touch-hole, and the ignition is quicker in the main chamber.
  3. There was another halt while the breeching underwent temporary repairs.
  4. The breeching for this should be very strong and broad, and the belt well stuffed, and stitched like a mattress.
  5. "They are empty," said Gerald, breeching his own and exposing the cylinder chambers, with the light shining through.