behooves / bɪˈhuf /


behooves 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural be·hooves [bih-hoovz]. /bɪˈhuvz/.

  1. use; advantage; benefit: The money was spent for his own behoof.

behooves 近义词

v. 动词 verb

be necessary, proper


  1. I will still say that it behooves us not to forget that Morsi was no democrat.
  2. Given that said government is now spending almost a quarter of our annual income, it behooves us to keep an eye on it.
  3. But nothing behooves a believer like condemnation—persecution is the mark of success, abandonment the measure of purity.
  4. It well behooves those in high places to make their actions and opinions conform to their great destinies.
  5. At the same time it is a truth which it behooves every religionist and particularly every Jew to believe.
  6. It behooves us before everything else positively to ascertain that mediumistic phenomena exist.
  7. It behooves me to learn something of the "Philosopher of Knigsberg," and I want these to ease the way.
  8. But it behooves us old stagers to keep our lamps trimmed and burning to the last, and not trust to the sun's looming.