backbreaking / ˈbækˌbreɪ kɪŋ /


backbreaking 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. demanding great effort, endurance, etc.; exhausting: a backbreaking job.

backbreaking 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


backbreaking 的近义词 9
backbreaking 的反义词 2


  1. Signs of the toxic and backbreaking work the enslaved had to do at the primitive ironmaking site emerged.
  2. Advocates for robotic farming tout increased automation as a step toward improving efficiency while freeing people from monotonous, backbreaking tasks that few laborers want to do.
  3. Today, instead of men performing backbreaking work on creaking machinery, unkempt grass bends in the light breeze.
  4. According to political lore, patriot-Americans do the backbreaking work that keeps the country humming.
  5. It will take some backbreaking investigation to get the whole story, because the files show nothing on any of them.
  6. All they had to look forward to from the D'zertanoj was backbreaking labor and an early death.
  7. The combination of heat, hard, backbreaking work, and the necessity for hurry made haying a particularly fatiguing time.