autoist / ˈɔ toʊ ɪst /


autoist 的定义

n. 名词 noun

autoist 近义词


等同于 motorist

autoist 的近义词 3

等同于 driver


  1. "I'll wager fifty dollars I can beat you bad on this three-mile stretch," went on the autoist.
  2. He seemed even to have forgotten the presence of the eccentric autoist.
  3. The autoist emptied his cigar-case into his hand and offered the cigars to Farr, who had just tugged on his coat.
  4. For a dog under an autos wheels is a dangerous proposition, not only for the dog but for the autoist as well.
  5. With the aid of another autoist and several drivers of passing wagons, they finally got Alberti free.