autochthonous / ɔˈtɒk θə nəs /


autochthonous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Ecology. pertaining to autochthons; aboriginal; indigenous.
  2. Pathology. found in the part of the body in which it originates, as a cancerous lesion.found in a locality in which it originates, as an infectious disease.
  3. Psychology. of or relating to ideas that arise independently of the individual's own train of thought and seem instead to have some alien or external agency as their source.
  4. Geology. formed in the region where found.Compare allochthonous.

autochthonous 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


autochthonous 的近义词 3


  1. If any of the autochthonous idlers asked him what he called himself, he replied shortly, "an engineer."
  2. The Ukrainian race is as nearly autochthonous as any in central or eastern Europe.
  3. Are not the speakers of Celtic languages the descendants of the autochthonous peoples of Western Europe?
  4. It is not probable that the Eupatrid families were all autochthonous, even in the loose sense of that term.
  5. This is so strange an utterance, that it could only have come from one who fancied himself autochthonous.