auspices / ˈɔ spɛks /


auspices 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural aus·pi·ces [aw-spuh-seez]. /ˈɔ spəˌsiz/.

  1. an augur of ancient Rome.

auspices 近义词

n. 名词 noun

protection; support


  1. An 11-country tour followed, under the auspices of the State Department.
  2. Vitart and Robertson lead one such project, under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva.
  3. Surely you could visit these places independently outside of the auspices of a group, I say to Lear.
  4. The discussion was held under the auspices of two Members of Knesset, Tamar Zandberg and Dov Henin.
  5. Nor, despite being hosted under the auspices of a think-tank, did the evening revolve around scholarship.
  6. We have grown up under the auspices of an industrial food chain that is one and a half centuries old.
  7. It was under his auspices that the battle of Lepanto was fought, in which the Turks were so signally defeated.
  8. I give up Kullak and my concert plan, thinking I'll study with Deppe and come out under his auspices.
  9. The state greatly developed and organised the whole system of auguries and auspices.
  10. Under such auspices dawned the year 1861, destined to inaugurate a new epoch in the life of Tchaikovsky.
  11. The brief inventory was soon made by the personage introduced into their midst under such terrible auspices.