auroral / ɔˈrɔr əl, ɔˈroʊr-, əˈrɔr-, əˈroʊr- /


auroral 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or like the dawn.
  2. pertaining to the aurora borealis or aurora australis.

auroral 近义词


等同于 bright


等同于 irradiant


等同于 lucent


  1. It sits on the southern edge of the auroral oval, which is a band hugging the northernmost latitudes where the aurora is most common.
  2. As the days went by and the equinox drew near, auroral phenomena were with few exceptions visible on clear evenings.
  3. During such a period auroral displays were usually of nightly occurrence.
  4. Auroral displays were rather frequent but not very pronounced, and in most cases could only be classed as "glows."
  5. That auroral freshness of soul which is the distinctive charm of youth lingered when even memory somewhat failed.
  6. Paula was exceptionally gifted with this auroral cheer which starts the day so brightly.