artificer / ɑrˈtɪf ə sər /


artificer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who is skillful or clever in devising ways of making things; inventor.
  2. a skillful or artistic worker; craftsperson.

artificer 近义词


等同于 artisan

artificer 的近义词 6
artificer 的反义词 1

等同于 mechanic


等同于 craftsperson


等同于 hand


  1. Nay, fayth, thou art a reasonable neat Artificer, giue the diuell his due.
  2. The artificer-engineer shouted, 'Now for it; don't forget what you have to do—21 knots, if she never does it again.'
  3. Artifice, art′i-fis, n. artificer's work: a contrivance: a trick or fraud.
  4. Gadallah worked with his father in the shop, and being a cunning artificer, assisted to support the family.
  5. But the operations of this useful artificer were even more difficult than those of the stone-cutters.