arboriculture / ˈɑr bər ɪˌkʌl tʃər, ɑrˈbɔr-, -ˈboʊr- /


arboriculture 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the cultivation of trees and shrubs.

arboriculture 近义词


等同于 forestry


等同于 horticulture


  1. I have never met with the verb in that sense elsewhere, but overtop is evermore the appropriate term in arboriculture.
  2. Coffee planters combat pests and diseases principally with sprays, as in other lines of advanced arboriculture.
  3. The success of arboriculture on the formerly treeless plains and plateaus, however, decreases as one travels westward.
  4. If Mr. Langly had gone into arboriculture instead of into the ministry, he would have planted nothing but weeping-willows.
  5. On the panels outside are arranged the tools and implements of arboriculture and forestry.