afforestation / əˈfɔr ɪst, əˈfɒr- /


afforestation 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to convert into forest, originally for the purpose of providing hunting grounds.

afforestation 近义词


等同于 forestry


  1. The Board is carrying on the afforestation of Ireland, which in many parts is almost without trees.
  2. Irrigation and afforestation are both necessary for the successful development of the West.
  3. A yearly sum was spent on afforestation in addition to what was laid out by the State and by private individuals.
  4. Some prefectures, in the sincerity of their devotion to afforestation, forbid the New Year destruction of pine trees.
  5. We look forward to the part that this new clothing will play in the general scheme of afforestation.