appellative / əˈpɛl ə tɪv /


appellative2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a descriptive name or designation, as Bald in Charles the Bald.
  2. a common noun.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. designative; descriptive.
  2. tending toward or serving for the assigning of names: the appellative function of some primitive rites.
  3. pertaining to a common noun.

appellative 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. In the curious case of Elle Fanning, however, the appellative is entirely deserved.
  2. Hence appellative words bearing any affinity with the names of the deceased are presently abolished.
  3. We shall add, at the end, the appellative names contained in the laws, with their original and explication.
  4. We must remember that nearly all Grecian proper names had some meaning: being compounds or derivatives from appellative nouns.
  5. The schoolmaster's surname led him as far into dissertation as his Christian appellative.
  6. But to make an application of the latter appellative at this time, would operate as an invitation to be knocked down.