cognomen / kɒgˈnoʊ mən /


cognomen 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cog·no·mens, cog·nom·i·na [kog-nom-uh-nuh]. /kɒgˈnɒm ə nə/.

  1. a surname.
  2. any name, especially a nickname.
  3. the third and commonly the last name of a citizen of ancient Rome, indicating the person's house or family, as “Caesar” in “Gaius Julius Caesar.”Compare agnomen.

cognomen 近义词

n. 名词 noun


cognomen 的近义词 6


  1. The question has frequently been asked who was intended by the cognomen Saint Gris?
  2. The survivor was named "Hoyle" (a cognomen for our old friend Hurley) and his doings gave us a new fund of entertainment.
  3. By adopting the cognomen of Habrodiaitos, or high-liver, he brought upon himself the nickname of Rhabdodiaitos, or brush-man.
  4. He has been called a Sphinx, and well deserves the cognomen, for no man shows less upon his face the emotions of his heart.
  5. He writes under a slightly more suitable cognomen, but I have been unable, in our brief acquaintance, to drag it from him.