antler / ˈænt lər /


antler 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. one of the solid deciduous horns, usually branched, of an animal of the deer family.

antler 近义词

n. 名词 noun

deciduous horn

antler 的近义词 5


  1. High in the forest canopy, a mass of strange ferns grips a tree trunk, looking like a giant tangle of floppy, viridescent antlers.
  2. The resulting losses might, incidentally, include the kinky evil 500-year-age-gap antler sex you’ve requested, Aja.
  3. Perhaps, if Huxley had taken his humbling of man farther, he would have seen that evolutionary super-sizing of certain cephalic structures, whether antlers or brains, might prove dangerous in the long run.
  4. In an odd coincidence, Thomas Henry Huxley’s grandson, Julian Huxley, did his most important work in an effort to demonstrate that the antlers were not terribly out of proportion with the Elk’s body.
  5. In view of the books Huxley read and the museums he worked in, we can be sure he was familiar with fossils of the Irish Elk, a species that labored under uniquely immense antlers until it fell into extinction around 8,000 years ago.
  6. Either the child was buried at the same time the elk antler tools were made or 400 years later.
  7. They had to infect the perfectly adequate data with the totally improbable idea of a 400-year-old heirloom elk antler tool.
  8. Then he returns to his cabin and (literally) hangs up his hat on the antler of a stuffed buck.
  9. But HGH is peculiar among PEDs in that, similar to deer antler spray, there is no evidence it helps athletic performance.
  10. But Brandeis University professor Joyce Antler, author of You Never Call!
  11. When Fleetfoot saw Antler roll the skins in a loose roll, he asked if she was going to chew them.
  12. When the skins were softened, Antler told Fleetfoot that once her people chewed the skins.
  13. While Antler and Fleetfoot were talking, all the women and children gathered around.
  14. The children were crying for food, and since Antler had nothing to give them, she was trying to get them to play.
  15. When Antler took a large skin and wrapped it around her, Fleetfoot thought that she was going to play “bear.”