ancon / ˈæŋ kɒn /


ancon 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural an·co·nes [ang-koh-neez]. /æŋˈkoʊ niz/.

  1. the elbow.
  2. Architecture. a bracket or console, as one supporting part of a cornice.

ancon 近义词


等同于 elbow


  1. You see the Ancon combined business with pleasure, and distributed coal in quantities to suit throughout the Alaskan lagoon.
  2. Let me record an episode that occasioned no little excitement among the passengers and crew of the Ancon.
  3. When an Ancon ewe is impregnated by a common ram, the progeny resembles wholly either the ewe or the ram.
  4. We rocked like a cradle—the Ancon rocks like a cradle on the slightest provocation.
  5. This example is from an ancient work basket obtained at Ancon, Peru, and shown in Fig. 299.