analyzer / ˈæn lˌaɪ zər /


analyzer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person, machine, or device that analyzes.
  2. Optics. a polarizing device, often a Nicol prism, that indicates the direction of vibration of light by selecting and transmitting only the component of linearly polarized light in that direction.

analyzer 近义词


等同于 researcher


等同于 critic


  1. In 2018 and 2019, she trekked through ghost forest with a portable gas analyzer on her back.
  2. The company’s technology consists of an analyzer and a cartridge, a microfluidic chip that users can insert into their water tank to take a sample.
  3. There are other types of negative SEO that I haven’t listed here such as content scraping, links hidden in images, and more, but the above are very easily identified using Google Search Console or any type of backlink analyzer.
  4. Did the Analyzer say there was any way of breaking this defense?
  5. "The Analyzer stated definitely that there was no way, if the premise were true," Malley answered gloomily.
  6. Malley, take all our data so far, and get someone to feed it into the Derichman Analyzer.