alate / ˈeɪ leɪt /


alate2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

Also a·lat·ed.

  1. having wings; winged.
  2. having membranous expansions like wings.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the winged form of an insect when both winged and wingless forms occur in the species.

alate 近义词


等同于 winged

alate 的近义词 11
alate 的反义词 2


  1. Alate -us: winged; with lobes similar to wings in appearance though not necessarily in function.
  2. So she knew that, since the natives were non-alate, she was not to take wing on Earth.
  3. Cells more or less pyriform, alate, narrow below, bulging or ventricose upwards.