alar / ˈeɪ lər /


alar 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pertaining to or having wings; alary.
  2. winglike; wing-shaped.
  3. Anatomy, Botany. axillary.

alar 近义词


等同于 winged

alar 的近义词 2

等同于 winged


  1. Alar'con, king of Barca, who joined the armament of Egypt against the crusaders, but his men were only half armed.
  2. From long disuse marked alar collapse may interfere with the good results of the operation.
  3. Two spotted ones, whose skins I have preserved, are smaller, being only thirty-four inches in alar extent.
  4. Horses drag the single carriage up the slight gradient to Alar; it returns by the force of its own impetus.
  5. As the grey-bearded superintendent told us, Alar was the first town on the island to have electric light installed.