agleam / əˈglim /


agleam 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. gleaming; bright; radiant: a city agleam with lights.

agleam 近义词


等同于 shiny


等同于 shining


  1. While whiskey distillers often have a nearly fetishistic relationship with their shiny stills, all agleam with copper, whiskey remains at root an agricultural product.
  2. Scraggs looked up and his cold green eyes were agleam with malice and triumph as they rested on the unhappy pair.
  3. With tongue lolling, white teeth all agleam, he came roaring out of the shadows.
  4. For an instant Lawler stood over him, pale, his eyes agleam.
  5. M. Pujol, his bright eyes agleam with merriment and his arms moving in frantic gestures, danced about the platform.
  6. By this time the professor, his eyes agleam over his latest discovery, was back at the side of the car.