agamous / əˈgæm ɪk /


agamous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Biology. asexual. occurring without sexual union; germinating without impregnation; not gamic.
  2. Botany, Mycology. cryptogamic.

agamous 近义词


等同于 asexual


等同于 sexless

agamous 的近义词 4


  1. Asexual, a-seks′ū-al, adj. without sex, once applied to cryptogams—agamic.
  2. Budding: applied to that form of agamic reproduction found in plant lice.
  3. Stem-mother: in plant lice; that form hatching from the winter egg, which starts a series of agamic summer generations.
  4. Finally, they may become infested with cystic tapeworms or the agamic stage of a strongyle (Strongylus edentatus).
  5. Pseudovary: the organ or mass of germ cells of an agamic insect.