acuteness / əˈkyut /


acuteness2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. sharp or severe in effect; intense: acute sorrow;an acute pain.
  2. extremely great or serious; crucial; critical: an acute shortage of oil.
  3. brief and severe.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the acute accent.

acuteness 近义词

n. 名词 noun


acuteness 的近义词 3
n. 名词 noun


acuteness 的近义词 5
acuteness 的反义词 4


  1. Research has shown that antiviral medications administered shortly after the onset of symptoms were found to be effective against acute viral infections such as flu.
  2. If you’re rehabbing an acute injury, check in with a physical therapist before beginning this routine.
  3. Candia said the older brother was suffering from acute heat stroke after spending two hours in the car’s trunk.
  4. Both parties united to stop Metzger from winning in November, with the national Democratic chair calling his primary victory “an acute embarrassment.”
  5. The act of foraging, a completely unchanged activity in a pandemic, possesses the acute ability to make me forget about the state of things entirely.
  6. His perception was still exceptionally alert, its acuteness left over, apparently, from the earlier days of pain and jealousy.
  7. But I have enough mental acuteness to see that the religion of Jeremy Taylor was cowardly, and gloomy, and untrue.
  8. Among the former are acuteness and quickness of vision, the power of grasping complex subjects, and a good memory.
  9. Her loss of sight had been more than compensated by an extraordinary acuteness of mental vision.
  10. That is the way of female intellects when they are good; nothing equals their acuteness, and their rapidity is almost excessive.