acetous / ˈæs ɪ təs, əˈsi- /


acetous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. containing or producing acetic acid.
  2. sour; producing or resembling vinegar; vinegary.

acetous 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The acetous acid thus concentrated is called radical vinegar.
  2. The acetous acid is concentrated by frost, which does not affect the proper acid, but only the water with which it is united.
  3. The principal of the vegetable acids are the acetous and the tartareous.
  4. A few minutes now, and the acetous fermentation will begin, and the whole result be spoiled.
  5. In the doorway, looking a shade more acetous than usual, stood Lady Margaret.