zeugma / ˈzug mə /


zeugma 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Grammar, Rhetoric.

  1. the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words when it is appropriate to only one of them or is appropriate to each but in a different way, as in to wage war and peace or On his fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold.


  1. There is a zeugma in speaks as applied to ‘thunder’ and ‘chains,’ unless it be taken as in both cases equivalent to denounces.
  2. Lucullus appears to have crossed the Euphrates at a more northern point than Zeugma, where the river was crossed by Crassus.
  3. The young prince accordingly set out, and reached the city of Zeugma in safety.
  4. Zeugma is either upon or near the site of Bir, which is in about 37° N. Lat.