Biochemistry. a soft, yellow powder of simple proteins obtained from corn, used chiefly in the manufacture of textile fibers, plastics, and paper coatings.
a synthetic fiber produced from this protein.
Meanwhile, residents of Bracha settlement attacked Burin village, throwing Molotov cocktails at Bashir al-Zein's home.
When he came in to Zein ul Asnam, the latter rose to him and received him with the utmost reverence.
The protein of wheat is called gluten—that of Indian corn is zein—that of beans and peas is legumin.
Mahomed Zein had not followed the example of some of his followers, and died fighting to the last.
Many prisoners were captured, including the Dervish leader, Mohammed Zein.
Examples of these proteins may be seen in the gliadin of wheat, zein of corn, and hordein of barley.