yogh / yoʊx /


yogh 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the letter used in the writing of Middle English to represent a palatal fricative, as in ung or a velar fricative, as in litliche.


  1. W'y-ee-yogh, the Man of Sense; a brave, with a handsome pipe in his hand, and bears claw necklace on his neck.
  2. Except for yogh, h-stroke and paired , unusual letters appear only in the editorial material (introduction, notes and glossary).
  3. Yogh is used in dictionary headwords; the others occur only in etymologies.
  4. Yogh and thorn are alphabetized as g and t. I and J are alphabetized together.
  5. Chipping Walden, of the Saxon word ᵹipping (or ghipping) uses the insular 'g' (ᵹ), variant of (lowercase) yogh (ȝ).