yakuza / ˈyɑ kʊˌzɑ /


yakuza 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ya·ku·za.

  1. any of various tightly knit Japanese criminal organizations having a ritualistic, strict code of honor.
  2. such organizations collectively.
  3. a member of such an organization; gangster.


  1. The Japanese judges have established that yakuza bosses have “employer liability” for the actions of their subordinates.
  2. Japan has 21 major yakuza groups with listed offices and a very public existence.
  3. The yakuza were traditionally federations of gamblers (bakuto) and street merchants (tekiya).
  4. Japanese law enforcement uses all the laws available to crack down on the yakuza.
  5. According to the National Police Agency, yakuza membership peaked in 1963, at approximately 184,100 members.