xiphisternum / ˌzɪf əˈstɜr nəm /


xiphisternum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural xiph·i·ster·na [zif-uh-stur-nuh]. /ˌzɪf əˈstɜr nə/. Anatomy.

  1. the lowermost of the three segments of the sternum.Compare gladiolus, manubrium.


  1. Further back is the long sternum proper, while last comes the xiphisternum, a broad expanded plate of cartilage.
  2. The last segment or xiphisternum (fig. 76, 4) is long and narrow, and terminates in a flattened expanded plate of cartilage.
  3. In Manis macrura the xiphisternum is drawn out into a pair of cartilaginous processes about nine inches long.
  4. Between the last sternebra and the xiphisternum two pairs articulate.
  5. The xiphisternum generally ends in an expanded plate of cartilage.