wooliness / ˈwʊl i /


wooliness 的定义

wooliness 近义词


等同于 roughness


  1. This hunting heritage goes back thousands of years, to the last ice age, when a remarkably ice-free Kobuk Valley teemed with big game, including the wooly mammoth.
  2. I was taken into one by Maurice, a gnarled old Vietnam vet in a wooly hat.
  3. Designer Phoebe Philo presented a cool collection of wooly outerwear and unexpected proportions.
  4. The problem with the Republican Party is there are too many wooly mammoths like me wandering around.
  5. He's a child's plaything—about as much use as the little wooly dog that lives down by the sawmill.
  6. They stood about gracefully to be admired, with their wooly hair fluffed out at right angles to their head, for the occasion.
  7. Nurse Farrow made a wry face as though she'd just discovered that the stuff she had in her mouth was a ball of wooly centipedes.
  8. I'le make him think he's got straddle his wooly hoss, and an army of mermades was after him with red hot pitchforks.
  9. One day I had to actually drive her out of my room, but it warn't but a little while before she put her wooly head in again.