wooden-headed / ˈwʊd nˌhɛd ɪd /


wooden-headed 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. thick-headed, dull; stupid.


  1. Here she is in June saying “Trans politics and feminism have never been headed to the same place.”
  2. Starting under Theodore Roosevelt and Howard Taft, embassies headed by career diplomats increased in number.
  3. Rodriguez now headed home to his kids, as did thousands of other police parents.
  4. He headed west in 1860 for health reasons and to join the gold rush in Colorado.
  5. Even when he opens up, the sentences are wooden, the scenes sucked dry of emotion.
  6. But he forgot the stagnant town, the bald-headed man at the club window, the organ and "The Manola."
  7. But the nasty part of the whole thing was, that Haggard had won eleven thousand pounds from a weak-headed boy.
  8. One of Yung Pak's favourite toys was a wooden jumping-jack with a pasteboard tongue.
  9. She plays with Captain Lovelock as a child does with a wooden harlequin, she pulls a string and he throws up his arms and legs.
  10. The whole thing begins to have a jigsaw look, like a child's toy rack with wooden soldiers on it, expanding and contracting.