womenkind / ˈwɪm ɪnˌkaɪnd /


womenkind 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. Such experiences, however, were not calculated to deepen their respect for the white man, or for his womenkind.
  2. We are a good-natured lot, and we are fond of our womenkind and believe in them much more than other nations do.
  3. They thrust their womenkind behind them, shouldering their way into the thick of the press that they might see the more clearly.
  4. At lunch in the great Arabic hall officers from the garrisons of Cairo and Abbassieh, and their womenkind, were in great force.
  5. One of Justins womenkind had misused Leverichs hospitality; both resented the fact and her enforced departure.