withy / ˈwɪð i, ˈwɪθ i /


withy2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural with·ies.

  1. a willow.
  2. a pliable branch or twig, especially a withe.
  3. a band, loop, halter, or rope of slender twigs; widdy.
adj. 形容词 adjective

with·i·er, with·i·est.

  1. made of pliable branches or twigs, especially of withes.
  2. flexible; pliable.


  1. A war-arrow was furnished with a cord or twist of withy at one end, and was intended to summon all men armed to a Thing.
  2. The victims, bound tightly with withy-bands, were set before him.
  3. I tied a withy round the pat and led it home; but it was all lost by the way.'
  4. The orchard grew thinner and became a mere meadow running down to the river, which was overgrown with reeds and withy-beds.
  5. There were withy-pots, or nests, for the wild fowl to lay their eggs in, a little above the surface of the water.