wireworm / ˈwaɪərˌwɜrm /


wireworm 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of the slender, hard-bodied larvae of click beetles, many of which live underground and feed on the roots of plants.
  2. any of various small myriapods.
  3. stomach worm.


  1. Small Potatoes, roughly hollowed out, or pieces of Carrot, may be used as traps for wireworm and other vermin.
  2. For practical purposes the Wireworm may be regarded as inhabiting every kind of soil and consuming every kind of crop.
  3. The insects in the larval or wireworm stage attack the roots of plants, eating them away below the ground.
  4. Wireworm is the most persistent and destructive of all the ground vermin.
  5. The nutty roots are often eaten by earth vermin, especially wireworm.