wing-weary / ˈwɪŋˌwɪər i /


wing-weary 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. tired from flying or traveling.


  1. To borrow an old right-wing talking point, these people are angry no matter what we do.
  2. There is, however, a separate wing of AQAP designed to inspire their followers to conduct attacks against the West.
  3. He sometimes surmised that it was because he was too outspokenly identified with the diminished liberal wing of the party.
  4. Limbaugh makes comments like this because his right-wing fans require a non–stop diet of race-baiting red meat.
  5. In other words, this is a very small vast-right-wing-conspiracy.
  6. Done, says he, why let fifty of our men advance, and flank them on each wing.
  7. As small letters weary the eye most, so also the smallest affairs disturb us most.
  8. His idea was that there would be ample time later to order a concentration on either wing or on the centre.
  9. Malcolm had selected it as a training-ground that evening, because he meant to weary and subdue his too highly spirited charger.
  10. When you exalt him put forth all your strength, and be not weary: for you can never go far enough.