wine-colored / ˈwaɪnˌkʌl ərd /


wine-colored 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of the color of wine; dark red.


  1. How do you celebrate when happy occasions are colored by loss and absence?
  2. I guess we know how Bacchus kept his title as the god of wine and intoxication.
  3. “I had this horrible secret and it colored everything I did,” said Roome.
  4. The possibilities seem endless: Who needs a trip to the liquor store when the toddler can turn water into wine, amirite?
  5. All Champagne is sparkling wine but not all sparkling wine is Champagne.
  6. HE ordered a lunch which he thought the girl would like, with wine to revive the faculties that he knew must be failing.
  7. And when wine had unselfed my noble father, you received his passionate insults with forbearance and forgiveness!
  8. He conceived an idea of securing agents among the colored people, and in that way effect a good sale.
  9. “Let us have some of your best wine to-day, waiter,” said old Wardle, rubbing his hands.
  10. He smoked two cigars; then he went inside and drank another glass of wine.