whining / waɪn, ʰwaɪn /


whining3 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

whined, whin·ing.

  1. to utter a low, usually nasal, complaining cry or sound, as from uneasiness, discontent, peevishness, etc.: The puppies were whining from hunger.
  2. to snivel or complain in a peevish, self-pitying way: He is always whining about his problems.
v. 有主动词 verb

whined, whin·ing.

  1. to utter with or as if with a whine: I whined my litany of complaints.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a whining utterance, sound, or tone.
  2. a feeble, peevish complaint.

whining 近义词

v. 动词 verb

complain, cry


  1. It was her standard response to our questions, which in retrospect probably came out more like whines, about what was about to land on our plates.
  2. They usually find whining to be an unattractive quality best left to toddlers and MSNBC hosts.
  3. Detractors might say this is a whole lot of feminist whining, of finding problems where there are none.
  4. Or refusing to take on menial work, such as working in a café for example, and instead whining at your parents to pay your rent?
  5. We are constantly bombarded by whining from the right over its contrived war on Christmas.
  6. Katherine, Daniel, and Nathan are quite unlikable people, stuck with one another, whining to their friends and family.
  7. When I hear (as I often do) some flabby boozer whining and ascribing his trouble to the drinkshop, I despise him.
  8. Howsomever, I am not dead broke yet, and even if a man is dead broke inself, there is no reason why he should go whining about it.
  9. It is the apt accompaniment of a whining tongue, the fit complement of a verjuice countenance.
  10. Soon a whining commences, which grows louder and louder, and becomes disagreeable to every person present.
  11. Even on the outside, however, they could hear her shrill, whining protest against any mention of Morley.