wherethrough / wɛərˈθru, ʰwɛər- /


wherethrough 的定义

conj. 连词 conjunction
  1. through, during, or because of which.


  1. This Solomon had an evil wife, wherethrough he weened that there had been no good woman, and so he despised them in his books.
  2. The Cobbler's Seat was one of a pair of huge rocks, which lay right in the very gap wherethrough the boats had to run in.
  3. A variance fell in London between the goldsmiths and the tailors, wherethrough many men were slain.
  4. The sound soon ceased; belike they had struck off into these very fields wherethrough we had just marched.
  5. If those that withold the duty of the Kirk, wherethrough Ministers want their stipends, may be excommunicate?