wheresoever / ˌʰwɛər soʊˈɛv ər, ˌwɛər- /


wheresoever 的定义

conj. 连词 conjunction
  1. in or to whatsoever place; wherever.

wheresoever 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb


wheresoever 的近义词 2


  1. So the Queen bade him farewell, saying that wheresoever he might chance to tarry there would all deem him a man of prowess.
  2. They sailed off the coast, plundering & burning wheresoever they went.
  3. Wheresoever he landed, summoned he a Thing, & at it offered the people baptism in the true Faith.
  4. When the Earl came to England plundered he there, & brought the land into subjection under him wheresoever he went.
  5. But turn his keen eyes wheresoever he chose, he could detect not the slightest sign of the mutineers.