whereon / wɛərˈɒn, -ˈɔn, ʰwɛər- /


whereon2 个定义

conj. 连词 conjunction
  1. on what or which.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. Archaic. on what?

whereon 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb

on which


  1. And the sticks whereon thou hast written, shall be in thy hand, before their eyes.
  2. There were no bunks in this carriage whereon passengers could lie with any degree of safety or comfort.
  3. I find that such a portable altar ought to have "a suitable frame of wood whereon to set it."
  4. Whereon the man looked swiftly over his shoulder and saw that he was fairly trapped.
  5. Thereafter having brought his ships to land chose he out a battle-field whereon to fight King Ragnfrod.